Stefanie Hoffman in "RSA: Insider Carelessness Cause Of Most Security Threats" believes that the greatest threat to any workplace will likely to be from an insider and it will probably be an accident and based on a survey released from RSA, the security division of EMC, the biggest threats in a workplace are often unintentional, often resulting from carelessness or ignorance of individuals within the organization or company.
"The bad guys are into fraud. They're very well funded, and they are extremely motivated to make money. You can reduce a lot of risk by taking away the innocent mistakes."
Hoffman catagorized these innocent mistakes as bellow:
1. Some of these innocent mistakes are committed by individuals who circumvent security regulations just to get their jobs done. In on other survey, 63 percent of employees said that they frequently or sometimes sent work documents to their personal e-mail address so they could complete their tasks at home, and more than half said that they have accessed their work e-mail from a public computer
2. trusting workers literally hold the door wide open for perpetrators. More than a third of respondents said they have opened a secured door for someone they didn't recognize at work, while 40 percent of workers said that someone else they didn't know let them into their building after they had forgotten their access card or key. And of the two-thirds of respondents that said their company provides a wireless network, 19 percent said that access was completely open, with no login credentials required.
"Massive damage is being done to brands. It can be devastating for a small company. If a law firm has had a breach, that can be devastating. They don't have to have 5,000 or more employees," said Chris Clinton, RSA director of worldwide channels.
Fantastic case . I got so many points , Workplace and employee , I have to read more articles about this
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